This is a quick way to transform, but it introduces risks in terms of customer acceptance, impact to existing business processes and functionalities, organizational changes, and training needs. 这是实现转换的快速方法,但它在客户接受、对现有业务流程和功能的影响、组织变更和培训需求方面引入了风险。
It might take their acceptance and endorsement before individual business units can be sold on the concept. 经营单位接受该概念之前,高层管理人员可能会接受和认可。
UAT-User Acceptance Test including functional test that would validate that the appropriate business capabilities are present. UAT&用户验收测试,包括功能测试,它会验证是否存在适当的业务功能。
Without acceptance from the business units and solid reasoning behind why a process should be changed, your design is at risk for misuse. 如果没有业务单位的认可和更改流程的合理理由,您的设计就有误用风险。
Secondary service models are in progress, and many have standardized billing and metering models that have gained acceptance in all levels of business. 还有一些辅助服务模式正在开发过程中,其中许多已将计费和计量模式标准化,现在已受到企业各层的认可。
SOA finds increasingly broad acceptance and is emerging as the dominant technology to support such business transformation, by providing tighter linkage between business processes and enabling IT. SOA受到越来越广泛的接受,正逐渐成为支持此类业务转换的主要技术,可提供业务流程和启用IT支持之间更紧密的联系。
However, with the acceptance of BPMN as the standard notation for modeling executable business process, this issue has been resolved in BPM2.0. 但是,在接受BPMN作为建模可执行业务流程的标准符号后,此问题在BPM2.0中得到了解决。
While retailers are not breaking any laws, there is much debate about the need for policies to harmonize privacy, prudence, social acceptance, and ownership with an undeniably massive business opportunity. 虽然零售商们没有违法,但人们仍在广泛讨论是否需要制定一些政策,以便在隐私、谨慎、社会认可和所有权与不可否认的大量商业机会之间寻求平衡。
Staying informed about the level of acceptance, participation, and status of women in the global marketplace is crucial for success in business. 随时注意对女士的接受程度、她们的参与程度及在世界商界中的地位,将对其在商界的成功至关重要。
"There is an acceptance of getting results at any price," says Stanley Bing, a business executive and author of Crazy Bosses. “不惜一切代价来获得成功的观点现今已被人普遍接受,”公司执行官兼《疯狂的老板》一书作者斯坦利·宾说。
Winning this social acceptance, often called "a licence to operate", was sensible risk management, and therefore a legitimate business objective. 赢得这种社会认可通常被称作获取“营业执照”,这是明智的风险管理,因此也是一个合理的企业目标。
And the people liked it for different reasons: BPMN has acceptance in the business departments, and an up-to-date process documentation was truly appreciated. 而大家喜欢它的原因各不相同:BPMN在业务部门得到认可,而这种及时更新的流程描述确实大受欢迎。
Faced with major domestic and foreign customers, acceptance of the auto cover die seized fixture design drawings, and related technology support, technical services business. 主要面对国内外客户,接受各汽车覆盖件模检夹具设计图纸工作,及相关技术支持,技术服务等业务。
The real planned benefit of an automated acceptance tool, like Fit, was that the business folks(" customers") would write executable examples themselves. 自动化测试工具的初衷,比如Fit,是想让业务人员(“客户”)自己写出可执行的例子来。
Personal computers have gained widespread acceptance in business. 在商业活动中,个人电脑已经被广泛接受。
This second option might properly be termed "asset maintenance" underwriting-the acceptance of terrible business just to keep the assets you now have. 这第二种选择可以称为“资产维持”承销,接受糟糕的业务只为了维持你目前现有的资产。
Strengthen brand image and acquire the recognition and acceptance of customers to create business value. 强化品牌形象,争取消费者的认同并创造企业价值。
A banker's acceptance is a short-term debt issued by a business firm on which a large commercial bank has guaranteed payment to the investor so that it becomes a liability of the bank. 银行承兑汇票是商业企业的短期债务,并由商业银行担保向投资者支付,因此它成为银行的债务。
Provisions Concerning Strict Forbiddance on Acceptance of Rebates and Tips in Handling Tourist Business 关于严格禁止在旅游业务中私自收授回扣和收取小费的规定
As banker's acceptance bill business, our bill market's main trade means, also exists in a lot of proble. 作为我国票据市场主要市场交易工具的银行承兑汇票业务,目前也存在不少问题。
This system has the main functions of business consulting and inquiring of power utilization, business acceptance, default reporting, complaining and suggesting, market investigating, power outage information, debts notice, business statistics analyzing and monitoring and assessing of business procedure. 其主要功能包括用电业务咨询查询、业务受理、故障报修、举报和建议、市场调查、停电信息和交费通知、业务统计分析以及业务流程的监督考核等。
After China's entry into WTO, its acceptance of business method patent is just a natural result as the financial field's opening to and cooperation with the world. 在我国加入WTO以后,接受商业方法专利是中国金融领域对外开放与合作的发展趋势的必然结果。
Acceptance issue model can complete the ticket information registration process, to prompt business process of acceptance, the business process of ticket out and ticket in. 承兑签发模块主要完成出票信息登记业务流程,提示承兑业务流程,提示收票业务流程和撤票业务流程。
It makes sure that the core insurance business parts of the insurance service acceptance system are able to be customized and the most accurate, real-time business rules are used by each network point at any time. 系统还将保证保险核心业务的可定制化,从而实现各个网点能随时使用最准确、实时的保险业务规则进行保险业务受理,大大节省系统维护成本。
Freight operation workflow and its information workflow are analyzed from three perspective that are freight business acceptance, station technological work and arriving business. ( 3) Key issue on railway station freight information integration. 从铁路车站货运业务的受理、技术作业、到达业务三个角度分析货运业务流程及其信息流程,并结合电子商务分析电子商务模式下车站货运业务流程。(3)车站货运信息一体化关键问题研究。
During period of Ming Qing dynasties, western paintings of communication with the acceptance of the Chinese and western style combine cultural phenomenon of modern Chinese painting on the development and research has revealed some values of our contemporary business. 明清时期西方油画的传播与接受所形成的鲜明的中西风格合璧的文化现象,对我们当代的中国油画的发展与研究具有启示价值。
Guarantee business acceptance rate often affect the business efficiency and business opportunities, guarantee business online accepts the platform can through the information to solve the problems of business acceptance, which makes online accepts the platform construction has the important practical significance. 担保业务的受理速度常常影响着业务的承办效率和商务机会,担保业务在线受理平台可以通过信息化解决业务受理中的问题,这使得在线受理平台的建设具有重要的现实意义。
At the same time to make an objective, true evaluation conclusions for the project, protective facilities acceptance and business occupation disease prevention and control management technology to provide a scientific basis. 同时做出客观、真实的评价结论,为项目防护设施竣工验收和企业职业病防治的日常管理提供科学的技术依据。
Attention to WAP site "micro content" active use "micro content" to win user acceptance and to create new profit point of business, in operation on the basis of content, in user management. WAP网站重视手机微内容,积极地利用微内容赢得用户的认可并创造企业新的赢利点,在经营内容的基础上,实现对用户的经营。